installation unsuccessful: vtk core dumps with example files

Madhavan Lakshmiraghavan Madhavan.Lakshmiraghavan at Dartmouth.EDU
Thu Dec 9 09:21:48 EST 1999


We are running Solaris v2.7 on an Ultra10 Sun workstation (with 3D creator
graphics) and have built vtk v2.4 with the tcl option using tcl/tk v8.0.5. We
used gcc/g++ to compile it.

When we try to run the tcl examples that come with vtk, many of them core dump
(e.g., keyBottle.tcl) and others bring up an empty window (e.g., colors.tcl). 
Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?


M.L. Raghavan
Email: raghavan at

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