[vtk-developers] vtkLightKit checked in

Michael Halle halazar at media.mit.edu
Wed Sep 6 14:01:01 EDT 2000


As for the elevation/azimuth stuff, I'll add some more explanation to
the documentation, then maybe hack the demo program with some of your

Here's basically how it works.  All angles are relative to the camera.
The light is always shining on the lookat point.  A light at
elevation=0, azimuth=0 is a headlight.  Increasing elevation moves the
light on an arc up and over object (well, the lookat point), so that
elevation=90 is directly above the object (shining down on it).
Similarly, a negative elevation moves the light position down under
the object.  Azimuth changes the longitude of the light: negative
moves the light left, positive moves it right.


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