[Paraview] paraviewweb multiple renderview problem

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Mon May 28 12:28:08 EDT 2018

Hi Tom,

There might be a bug (sometime it happen ;-). If you can provide a tiny
example app with a cone and cube in two views, I might be able to quickly
look at it and even fix the source of the issue.

1) The active view won't help you in your current setup as it is a
convenient way to ignore the view id. But since you need a clear
distinction, you will have to stick to a given view id to prevent mixup.

2) They are supposed to be unique and we know by nature they are a counter
and -1 represent the "active" one. Normally the type should not matter. But
the server usually send it as a string.

3) Normally the mouse handler hold that viewId as well. But if not provided
(-1), it will affect the active view.



On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 8:34 PM Sgouros, Thomas <thomas_sgouros at brown.edu>

> Hi All:
> For a ParaViewWeb application using pvpython as a server, I have two
> vtkRenderer objects side-by-side. I have used setViewId() to set the view
> IDs of those two objects to correspond to two different RenderView objects
> over on the server, with viewIDs retrieved using the GetGlobalIDAsString()
> method.
> I expected to see the different render views in the two different
> vtkRenderers, but unfortunately what I see is always the same visualization
> in the two different windows, sometimes one RenderView, sometimes the other.
> This is probably too vague a description to diagnose the problem (though
> advice is certainly welcome) so I also have these specific questions:
>  1. Is the concept of the "active" view of any use in this context, or
> will that just get in the way? I've tried experimenting with making one or
> the other render view active on the server and it clearly changes the
> behavior, but I still wind up with the same view in both vtkRenderer
> objects.
>  2. Are the view IDs supposed to be strings or integers on the client? The
> divvy code seems to imply integers, but there is a "Failed to determine the
> LookupTable being used." error on the server that seems to be associated
> with my choosing to use integers on the client.
>  3. How is the MouseHandler code supposed to relate to these two views? It
> seems to matter which vtkRenderer window it's clicked in, but which one
> moves doesn't seem related to the viewID of the window.
> Thank you,
>  -Tom
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