[Paraview] Why are certain Paraview users ignored on this list?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon May 28 11:23:46 EDT 2018

> However, I can't stop wondering whether it's really the content or how
well posed a question is and not the names of the users that ask, which
decides whether they receive an answer or not. I may return to this thread
later with more examples.

The short answer is no. There is no organized effort to ignore certain
users or respond to only certain questions.

As Mathieu said, this is a community service. Responders are not merely
Kitware employees but also members of the larger ParaView community.
Despite everyone's best efforts, we cannot respond to all queries due to
lack of time. As a result, emails that are a little complex to read, not
clear what the issue could be etc. tend to go unreplied. Sometimes, it's
just timing. For example, if emails show up on holidays, then by the time
people get back to work a new slew of emails take up the inbox and older
emails may get missed.

Also, good way to get members to go the extra mile to help with your
questions is participating in the mailing list yourself. Try responding to
other users' questions, for example.

Despite all this, I am sure emails will still sometimes go unanswered. We
are all human with limited abilities and somethings will slip despite our
best efforts.


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