[Paraview] Why are certain Paraview users ignored on this list?

Mathieu Westphal mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Mon May 28 07:14:46 EDT 2018

Hi Jussuf

I would suggest reading this :

To answer specifically your questions, this is a community managed mailing
If nobody knows the answer for the questions you're asking, or if it takes
too long to investigate the issue, it is likely that nobody will answer.

You can also have professional support for ParaView at kitware.com

Best regards,

Mathieu Westphal

On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 12:41 PM, iusadhfoias sidufasipudf <
asduifhssauidf at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear experienced Paraview users,
> I wonder how you decide which posts to answer and which to ignore.
> My impression is that your decision doesn't depend whether questions are
> well expained or whether you can help people a lot with minimal effort from
> your side. Instead it seems like you look at the user's name, and if it
> originates from a different culture, you tend to prefer other help requests.
> Why else do you completely ignore questions for example from  王哲 (Zhe),
> from myself and a few others?
> What can we do to get a little attention?
> Many thanks,
> Jussuf
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