[Paraview] Is a State File's data directory accessible through Python programmable filters?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sun Mar 11 10:52:59 EDT 2018


I am a little confused. Can you clarify the user workflow, please?
Does the user load a pvsm state file which has Python Programmable
Filters in it and you want to access the data directory that the user
chose when loading the pvsm state file, is that it? Or does the user
load the pvsm state file and then also run some Python scripts from
the Python shell and you want to pass the data directory to these
scripts run in the Python shell.


On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Roman Kowch <rskowch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been developing ways to build data displays through programmable
> filters and their associated Python scripts. After I build a display, I save
> the entire layout as a State File. Then, I can give both the State File and
> data files used to build the display to another user, so they can replicate
> the exact same display on their computer.
> A new feature in Paraview allows someone to choose the Data Directory when
> they load a State File. However, I don't know a way to pass this Data
> Directory path to my Python scripts. Is the Data Directory accessible as a
> global environment variable through Paraview's Python shell? It would be
> nice if a user could place the data files in any directory they want, then
> choose that directory when loading a State File, and have the underlying
> Python code (stored in Programmable Filters) in the State File access that
> directory.
> Currently, I need to require the user to put the data directory in a special
> place so that its path matches that written in the Python code. e.g. The
> hard-coded directory I've written is "$HOME/Desktop/pvdata". I'm using
> Paraview 5.4.1 on OS X.
> Thanks for your help,
> Roman
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