[Paraview] Making a package for Nix system

Mathieu Westphal mathieu.westphal at kitware.com
Fri Feb 10 09:14:48 EST 2017

Hi Yves

In order to test with the last version, you do not need to compile, you can
download a nightly build on the ParaView download page.
(Highest number means newer).
Let me know how it goes.

I will defer to others regarding the packaging question.

Mathieu Westphal

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Yves Rogez <
yves.rogez at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

> Hi Mathieu :-)
> yes it's for the case of multi-server (actually single client) option. I
> will get the source from the git repository master a give it another try.
> OK for the debug, I can compile it again in debug but it takes a long time
> on my little test laptop so I was wondering maybe some other tricky test on
> the release version ;-) I will let the debug build run this week-end and
> send a quick report.
> By the way, do you plan to support nix packages build in the future for
> Paraview ? The problem I will encounter now is that Paraview depends on
> video card driver OpenGL libs so that to get good performances, I will
> break the nix packages philosophy of being independent from the operating
> system specific kernel...
> Thanks for the answer!
> Yves
> Le 10/02/2017 à 03:48, Mathieu Westphal a écrit :
> Hi Yves !
> Do you happen to use the multi-clients/multi-server option ? we recently
> corrected a bug that sound like yours, will be fixed in ParaView 5.3.
> In any case, you may want to try with the last version of paraview master.
> In order to debug, the first step would be to build ParaView in Debug, and
> then run it with a debuger, in order to get a backtrace of the segfault.
> Best Regards,
> Mathieu Westphal
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Yves Rogez <yves.rogez at univ-grenoble-
> alpes.fr> wrote:
>> Dear Paraview team,
>> we are currently studying the opportunity of migrating our computing grid
>> environment from "module" system to "nix" packaging system (
>> https://nixos.org/). In that purpose, I'm trying to compile and pack
>> Paraview 5.2.0 with its dependencies with nix packages (
>> https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html).
>> To do so, I first installed nixos on a local laptop and give it a try.
>> The main issue I encountered was to update my nixos kernel with native
>> videocard drivers but OK, that's done. Then using the attached nix package
>> script (a slight evolution on paraview 4.0.1 existing one), I could have
>> packetized 5.2.0 succesfully and it runs very well.
>> However, I still get an error when I'm trying to use MPI functionality.
>> The MPI itself with parallelism works, as I can run a auto-MPI session
>> without problem. The issue occurs when *servermanager.Disconnect()
>> function is called => Seg fault* with no more info... The bad thing is
>> that the Disconnect function is called every time I would like to connect
>> to a server (to disconnect the built-in one). This is also the case when
>> passing the pvserver in command-line argument.
>> Do you have an idea of the cause of this seg fault ? Maybe could you help
>> me find any useful test to debug this ?
>> Thanks in advance for your support,
>> Best regards,
>> Yves
>> --
>> Yves Rogez
>> *IPAG*
>> *Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble *
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> --
> Yves Rogez
> *IPAG*
> *Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble *
> Bat D de Physique - BP. 53 - 38041 Grenoble - FRANCE
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