[Paraview] Rendering Backend OpenGL2 & PV 5.2.0-RC4 & SurfaceLic --> Problem...

Stefan Melber Stefan.Melber at DLR.de
Tue Nov 15 05:35:03 EST 2016


i have a problem which is there in all RCs (1-4) of current ParaView: if 
i compile the RenderingBackend to "OpenGL2" and use SurfaceLic the 
visualization time goes up from a few seconds (with "OpenGL") to many 
minutes and the memory consumption from a few GByte to approx 100 GByte. 
Switching back to OpenGL any thing is fine. Without SurfaceLIC the 
OpenGL2 works although fine for me.

Has any one tested OpenGL2 with SurfaceLIC-Plugin the last time and has 
(the same)  problems?

o Kernel 4.7.6-1/ x86-64
o Quadro 4000
o NVidia driver v367.57
o PV 5.2.0 RC1 - RC4

Best regards,


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