[Paraview] SWKey: Bad Behavior W/ the PV's Contour Filter?

Samuel Key samuelkey at bresnan.net
Thu Mar 3 15:46:06 EST 2016


I try to keep up with PV's latest releases, but I think I missed 
something along the way --

Platform: PV-5.0.0-64Bit; Windows-7 64Bit; Nvidia F4800 Graphics; 
EnSight Gold Binary simulation results file-sets.

This datum set has 498244 FE cells, 520072 nodal points, and see 
attached *.case file for cell and point datum sets.

With respect to the attached picture,

(1) The only cell and point item loaded is the point scalar quantity 

(2) Upper-Right Image: Fringe plot directly from 'famego.results.case'

(3) Upper-Left Image: Case>Calculator1>Contour1; the expected display.

(4) Lower-Left Image: Case>Countour2; Contour2 control panel shows 
'Max-Velocity-Mag' and contour levels "to be contoured."

Difficulty: The Lower-left image shows solid-color iso-surfaces for 
'Max-Velocity Mag' but a 'vtkBlockColors' legend, and the top drop-down
available-items menu is missing 'Max-Velocity-Mag' as a choice and has 
substituted(?) 'vtkBlockColors.'

Question: Is there now something different I should be doing to use the 
'Case>Contour' pipeline?

Samuel Key
FMA Development
1005 39th Ave NE
Great Falls, Montana 59404

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type: ensight gold
model:                   1  1  fmaego.data.geom    change_coords_only
vector per node:         1  1  Displacement          fmaego.data.ndis
vector per node:         1  1  Velocity              fmaego.data.nvel
vector per node:         1  1  Acceleration          fmaego.data.nacc
vector per node:         1  1  Max-Velocity          fmaego.data.nvmx
vector per node:         1  1  Min-Velocity          fmaego.data.nvmn
scalar per node:         1  1  Min-Velocity-Mag      fmaego.data.nvnm
scalar per node:         1  1  Max-Velocity-Mag      fmaego.data.nvxm
scalar per element:      1  1  Material              fmaego.data.emat
scalar per element:      1  1  Material-State        fmaego.data.esta
scalar per element:      1  1  Pressure              fmaego.data.eprs
scalar per element:      1  1  Bulk-Strain           fmaego.data.elnv
scalar per element:      1  1  Strain-Energy-Density fmaego.data.esed
scalar per element:      1  1  Effective-Stress      fmaego.data.edev
vector per element:      1  1  Stress*Vel            fmaego.data.estv
tensor symm per element: 1  1  Stress                fmaego.data.estr
time set:                1
number of steps:        51
time values:                  7.583666201834E-05      4.550199721100E-04
      9.100399442201E-04      1.365059916330E-03      1.802424622983E-03
      2.230961696908E-03      2.659498770833E-03      3.088035844758E-03
      3.587995764336E-03      4.016532838261E-03      4.445069912186E-03
      4.873606986111E-03      5.302144060035E-03      5.730681133960E-03
      6.230641053539E-03      6.659178127464E-03      7.087715201388E-03
      7.516252275302E-03      7.944789349213E-03      8.373326423032E-03
      8.801863496957E-03      9.301823416535E-03      9.730360490460E-03
      1.015889756774E-02      1.058743464169E-02      1.101597170808E-02
      1.144450878131E-02      1.194446870085E-02      1.237300577469E-02
      1.280154284851E-02      1.323007992240E-02      1.365861699632E-02
      1.408712134320E-02      1.458707982386E-02      1.501570007024E-02
      1.544444653247E-02      1.587267842893E-02      1.630089742372E-02
      1.672914191102E-02      1.722877623688E-02      1.765758677276E-02
      1.808666397731E-02      1.851505207909E-02      1.894300183321E-02
      1.937085110504E-02      1.986988351968E-02      2.029751467742E-02
      2.072503810503E-02      2.115244884686E-02      2.157974161924E-02
file set:                   1
number of steps:           51

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