[Paraview] [vtkusers] Paraview bug found in pvtu files containing polyhedrons

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Thu Mar 3 14:43:12 EST 2016


Thanks for the bug report. I have a fix for this that's going through
testing right now. It's at
https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/merge_requests/1300 if you want to take
a look and test it out as well. I only tested it with your input so it
could certainly use a bit more testing with other data sets. If you do
that, please let us know how it works.


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Andrew Parker via vtkusers <
vtkusers at vtk.org> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I have recently been having problems reading pvtu files in paraview when
> those files contain arbitrary polyhedrons: this is from the output of a
> large scale code that runs in parallel via mpi.  To show the problem, I
> have written a very small sample code, attached, that runs in serial but
> reproduces the salient issues experienced by my larger code when run in
> parallel.  It is clear, via the toggling a boolean, that the problem
> happens when vtk_polyhedrons types are used.  There is a short description
> at the top of the bug.cxx file, followed by instructions.  I use stock
> versions of paraview here, although self compiled ones show no difference.
> In short compile the code, run it, and open the pvtu file in paraview.
> You should see 4 cells.
> Switch the “bug” bool to true, recompile, re-run it, and reopen the pvtu
> file.  The screen will be blank.
> The only difference is that cells are added to the unstructured grid
> explicitly as vtk_polyhedrons using a face-stream, rather than as hexs.  I
> cannot do this in the real code!  The rest of the code is just there to
> produce the “serial” mesh, and threshold this mesh to produce two
> “parallel-partition” meshes.  I use the new ghost type framework as this is
> consistent with the real code, and this runs and compiles on OS X and gcc.
> Likewise it has been build against vtk 6.3 and the bug manifests itself in
> paraview 4.4 and 5.0.  Visit 2.10 does not have this bug and can correctly
> open the pvtu containing polyhedrons: this is my current workaround.
> Can any of the developers shed light on this?  Is a fix known, if so when
> will it be released?  Do others have this problem [1, 2, 3] outside of
> those long reported? Does anyone else have workarounds?
> Any help really appreciated,
> Andy
> [1] http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2015-May/090835.html
> [2] https://cmake.org/pipermail/paraview/2012-October/026456.html
> [3] https://cmake.org/pipermail/paraview/2015-January/032950.html
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