[Paraview] pvpython script to create a screen shot of a PVSM

Grothausmann, Roman Dr. grothausmann.roman at mh-hannover.de
Wed Mar 2 11:24:26 EST 2016

On 02/03/16 15:57, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> This makes me wonder when to use paraview.servermanager.LoadState?
>> Should the example
>> (http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Python/Loading_and_saving_state) be
>> changed to use paraview.simple.LoadState?
> There's really no reason to directly use servermanager.LoadState
> except for advanced users. I've updated the Wiki.

Thanks for the answer and the update.

>>> Also, what to do about this warning:
>>> vtkSMProxyIterator (0x61ef820): ProxyManager is not set. Can not perform
>>> operation: Begin()
> I wasn't able to reproduce this warning with the attached state file
> and your render-view.py script. Any ideas? I am running as follows:
>     ./bin/pvpython /tmp/sample.py -i /tmp/sample.pvsm  -png /tmp/foo.png

I'm getting the same warning with Your sample.pvsm. Possibly because I'm still 
using paraview version 4.4.0? I'll give it a try with a newer PV and report back 
if the warning remains.

Thanks again.

Dr. Roman Grothausmann

Tomographie und Digitale Bildverarbeitung
Tomography and Digital Image Analysis

Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie, OE 4120
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover

Tel. +49 511 532-2900

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