[Paraview] xdmf + hdf5 error in Paraview

John Jomo john.jomo at tum.de
Wed Mar 2 08:56:05 EST 2016

Hallo guys,

have a bug using xdmf + hdf5 in Paraview that I cant seem to solve:

I am trying to visualize my results from a finite element computation 
using xdmf and hdf5.

The results consist of the geometry and topology of the mesh and 
different point and cell data.
I store coordinates of 2 million points in one hdf5 dataset (X,Y,Z 
components) and the connectivity of the resulting 19 million cells ( 
hexagonals and lines ) in a one dimensional hdf5 dataset.

I use the following xdmf file to view the data in paraview

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
                 <Grid GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
                         <Grid Name="element0" Type="Uniform">
                                 <Time Type="Single" Value="0" />
                                 <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
                                         <DataStructure Dimensions="3 
22078224" NumberType="Float" Presicion="8" Format="HDF" >
                                 <Topology Type="Mixed" 
Dimensions="177553764 1" NumberType="Int64" Presicion="8" Format="HDF" >
                                 <Attribute Name="Displacement" 
Center="Node" AttributeType="Vector">
                                         <DataStructure Format="HDF" 
DataType="Float" Precision="8" Dimensions="3 22078224">

*Question:* For some strange reason the cell connectivity gets 
completely messed up, and I get a totaly wrong output in Paraview.
I verified the content of the hdf5 file and all the points and cells are 

The hdf5 is about 5 GB large.

Does anyone know how the cause of this strange behaviour? I tried 
visualizing the content in visIT but got the same error.

thanks in advance


John Jomo M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Computation in Engineering
Simulation in Applied Mechanics - SAM
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Tel.:     0049 / 89 / 289 25064
Fax:      0049 / 89 / 289 25051
E-Mail:   john.jomo at tum.de<mailto:john.jomo at tum.de>
Internet: www.cie.bgu.tum.de<http://www.cie.bgu.tum.de/>

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