[Paraview] Feasibility of and documentation on implementing a Paraview Client.

Magnus Elden magnus_elden at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 16 08:02:40 EDT 2016



I think you should explain why you don't want to use the paraview application as your client.


I am using the Unreal Engine 4 for my project and I want to use the power of Paraview to read and render scientific volume data. I tried writing a small program using the VTK library, but I was unable to get it to work due to the program complaining about not being able to find/create an OpenGL context. As such I am forced to separate the rendering and the Unreal program. Having the client and the servers separated is something that Paraview supports natively and as such I do not imagine that it should be more difficult than to implement a code only client that my UE4 program uses to interface with the Paraview servers. 


As you can see, I am unable to use the paraview application because I will be using another application. Since UE4 has no real support for volume data or scientific visualization I am left between a choice of implementing everything that Paraview already has or writing a new client that handles the translation between my UE4 program and the Paraview server. 

The former option will force me to spend a lot of time implementing an inferior version of parts of Paraview and the latter require me to create a client that is able to communicate properly with the servers. I would argue that the latter is less work if good documentation and specifications are to be found. Further, I would think that the project can scale much more effectively if I am able to utilize the Paraview servers.


I hope to feed the paraview servers with user made updates and then feed the resulting render back to the UE4 application in order to present it to the user.



Magnus Elden

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