[Paraview] to be sure about used hardware ...

Armin Wehrfritz dkxls23 at gmail.com
Mon May 11 10:05:19 EDT 2015

I cannot directly answer your question, but there has been some 
discussion about slow volume rendering previously. Search the archive 
for a thread called "Hardware suggestions for volume rendering".

A quick summary:
The performance depends on the type of dataset you have, i.e. structured 
grids (even up to 70M grid points) will render decently fast on a single 
Nvidia Quadro K2100M GPU, but unstructured grids are very slow already 
for much smaller grids.

You can test this by using the wavelet source, which gives you a 
arability sized structured dataset.


On 05/11/2015 04:15 PM, Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) wrote:
> Hi All,
> My question could be very basic but how to be sure that Paraview uses
> installed graphics card (in my case Nvidia K2000)? Do i need to install
> Paraview from source (using Nvidia drivers) to use the full capability
> of underlying hardware? I am asking because volume rendering seems
> little bit slow when i try to use binary Paraview installation after
> installing driver of the graphics card. I just want to be sure about it.
> Regards,
> --ufuk
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