[Paraview] Supress windows on pv_web_visualizer.py

Hermano ... hermano_lustosa at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 2 00:25:06 EDT 2015

Hello everyone

I am using Paraview Web with the Jetty launcher and the Web Visualizer. Anytime a new page is loaded for a new visualization, also a new window appears on my desktop (I am using ubuntu with KDE installed, and running the web server locally for test purposes). I'd like to know if there is a way to supress theses windows with the visualizations. They are a little bit annoying.
To me it's enough to show the visualization on the browser only.

I ran pv_web_visualizer.py with --help , but there wasn't any option related to my "issue". So I wonder if there's a way of doing it.

Thanks in advance.

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