[Paraview] ParaviewWeb with a pvserver and a desktop client

Luc Renambot renambot at gmail.com
Wed May 28 23:12:48 EDT 2014


I'm trying to have a setup where a paraview client and a paraviewweb session see the same visualization (interacting with the paraview client and seeing the vis in the browser). I thought I could use a pvserver for this.
With the current release (binaries), I tried on Mac and linux without much luck.
I can get multiple desktop clients connected to the same pvserver, but not the a paraviewweb mixed in.

Server (myhost.edu):  ./pvserver --multi-clients
Paraview desktop (mac): connect fine to myhost.edu and build the pipeline (mostly loading a dataset and adding an iso-surface).
Paraviewweb: ./bin/pvpython lib/paraview-4.1/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py --content ./share/paraview-4.1/www --data-dir ~/paraview --port 8080 --ds-host myhost.edu
Browser:  http://myhost.edu:8080/apps/Visualizer/

It crashes or doesn't show the right view and usually  crashes every other components.

Is this supposed to work ?


Luc Renambot
renambot at uic.edu                    Electronic Visualization Lab (M/C 152)
EVL Phone (312) 996-3002       University of Illinois at Chicago
EVL FAX   (312) 413-7585         851 S. Morgan St. Room 1120 SEO
http://renambot.lakephoto.org    Chicago, IL 60607-7053

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