[Paraview] Build errors compiling Paraview with VS2013

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Feb 20 14:59:16 EST 2014

Can you try putting #include <algorithm> at the top in those headers?

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Bruce Jones
<bruce.david.jones at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm attempting to compile paraview in windows using visual studio 2013.
> So far I've managed to succesfully compile QT, and Zlib, and have configured
> the paraview source with CMake. I now have a Visual Studio solution file,
> upon opening the solution and attempting to build I get a bunch of errors.
> The root of the problem appears with min and max in various projects within
> the solution, I get a lot of these errors.
> Error 22 error C3861: 'min': identifier not found
> C:\paraview\ThirdParty\protobuf\vtkprotobuf\src\google\protobuf\wire_format_lite_inl.h
> 270 1 protobuf
> Error 23 error C3861: 'max': identifier not found
> C:\paraview\ThirdParty\protobuf\vtkprotobuf\src\google\protobuf\repeated_field.cc
> 46 1 protobuf
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Bruce
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