[Paraview] Plugin for rendering vtkGraph in ParaView

WangWentao wwthunan at gmail.com
Fri May 17 12:09:09 EDT 2013

Hi, all.

I hope to render vtkGraph in ParaView, which is available in VTK. The related classes are vtkGraphLayoutView, vtkRenderedGraphRepresentation. There is also a source class: vtkRandomGraphSource.

My plan is to realize a customized view for vtkGraph. As an experiment, there are at least 3 things to to: 
1. a source for vtkGraph, which is the easiest part. Just load a xml file wrapping vtkRandomGraphSource.
2. a view. May be a subclass of vtkPVRenderView, with its RenderView replaced by vtkGraphLayoutView. I have tried that, and the view shows in MainWindow, but I don't know if it really works.
3. a representation. vtkGraphLayoutView uses vtkRenderedGraphRepresentation by default. But I don't know how to use this representation class in ParaView, only find that every representation class in  Paraview is derived from vtkPVDataRepresentation.

I am trying to write a custumized grapg view according to my plan. Before everything is done, I have to figure out how view and representaion work in Paraview. 

My questions are:
1. Does my plan works? Is there any aspect I have ignored? 
2. How to use a vtk representation class in Paraview?
3. What is the best way to visualize graph in Paraview?

Any advices will be appreciated! 

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