[Paraview] RE : Co-processing (in situ visu) : vtkCoProcessorImplementation is not built

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Mon Jul 29 10:04:06 EDT 2013


ParaView will have everything that Catalyst has, plus a whole bunch more
stuff. The reason for this is that if a simulation code is linking to all
or nearly all of ParaView there will be a whole bunch of extra stuff that
will be brought in that isn't needed for doing in situ visualization and
analysis, especially if ParaView is built statically. Catalyst allows for
specialized configurations of ParaView to bring in a minimal set of
functionality that is needed by the simulation code to do the desired in
situ processing. For example, in one Catalyst configuration the library
size added was around 20 MB while for linking with ParaView it was around
125 MB.

As for live viz, that is still in beta form. I started working on the
official Catalyst wiki (
http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Catalyst/Overview) and there is a
tutorial along with some sample files at the bottom of the page. There is
an example in the tutorial that should demonstrate the live in situ
abilities of Catalyst.


On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 5:56 PM, HOUSSEN Franck <Franck.Houssen at cea.fr>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I am new to Paraview, so, my questions seems to look obvious... Sorry
> about that.
> At first I believed Catalyst was a sort of "add-on" to put on top of
> Paraview : so I built from source ParaView-v4.0.1-source.tgz one the one
> hand, and, catalyst-base-1.0.alpha.tgz on the other hand (believing I will
> need both).
> I seems I have succeeded to run the CxxFullExample from
> https://github.com/acbauer/CatalystExampleCode :
> 1. I compiled the CxxFullExample pointing ONLY at the Paraview install
> directory (using Paraview_DIR in cmake) but I did NOT use the Catalyst
> install directory
> 2. I run mpirun -n 2 ./FEDriver feslicescript.py => I get fullgrid* and
> slice* files that are to be post-processed by Paraview while the simulation
> is running
> My understanding is that I do not need the catalyst install if I build
> Paraview with build options from the "old" wiki page
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/CoProcessing ? I am correct : using correct
> build options, Catalyst wiil be included in Paraview, right ? Catalyst is
> not an "add-on" (that you first need to link to, to be able, in a second
> step, to "do stuffs" with Paraview) , right ? Catalyst is more like a kind
> of "batch mode of Paraview" that extracts the necessary bunch of code from
> Paraview that enables to create the fullgrid* and slice* files without
> necessary need to install (the full version of) Paraview, right ?
> Do I understand correctly ?
> Also, is there a way to control the simulation live : is there a way to
> create commands like "run", "stop", "do one more iteration, stop and update
> live plots on screen" using a kind of client/server communication pattern ?
> (server = simulation running on a cluster, client = paraview running on a
> laptop). As far as I understand, with a Python script I can generate output
> to post-process while the simulation is running, but I can not control it
> (stop, run, step, select more or less stuffs to save for the current time
> iteration), right ?
> Thanks,
> FH
>  ------------------------------
> *De :* Andy Bauer [andy.bauer at kitware.com]
> *Date d'envoi :* samedi 27 juillet 2013 17:08
> *À :* HOUSSEN Franck
> *Cc:* paraview at paraview.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Paraview] Co-processing (in situ visu) :
> vtkCoProcessorImplementation is not built
>  Hi,
> That wiki page is a bit outdated. The best reference for that is the
> attached guide. I'm working on updating the wiki pages and making
> catalyst.paraview.org more informative. I'm hoping in a week or two
> things will be in decent shape.
> Regards,
> Andy
> On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 9:07 AM, HOUSSEN Franck <Franck.Houssen at cea.fr>wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> I try to do some in-situ visualization with Paraview. I went through the
>> tutorial : http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/CoProcessing
>> I run Ubuntu 12.04. I built Paraview from source
>> (ParaView-v4.0.1-source.tgz) with :
>> ~/Programs/Paraview/ParaView-v4.0.1-build>cmake
>> -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_PLUGIN_CoProcessingScriptGenerator=ON
>> PYTHON_ENABLE_MODULE_vtkCoProcessorPython=ON
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/fh/Programs/Paraview/local
>> ../ParaView-v4.0.1-source
>> When I "make install" there is no libvtkCoProcessorImplementation neither
>> in /home/fh/Programs/Paraview/local/lib, nor in
>> /home/fh/Programs/Paraview//local/lib/paraview-4.0/ : the co-processing
>> example (http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Coprocessing_example) does not
>> link !...
>> Also, I am not sure to understand how things must be run and set :
>> 1. first, in a first terminal, I have to run the simulation (main program
>> from CoProcessingExample.cxx)
>> 2. then, I guess I have to run Paraview using a (pre-generated Python)
>> script but I didn't really understand how to do that...
>> As far as I understand, at each simulation step, the simulation must
>> generate, for instance, a HDF5 results file (that contain variables to
>> visualize - each HDF5 must be labelled with the time step it is related
>> to). Then, Paraview is used to visualize data from the corresponding HDF5
>> file (associated to the current time step) while the simulation keeps on
>> running. And when a new time step is done (new HDF5 is generated), the
>> Python script is used by Paraview to udpate the visualisation on screen.
>> Did I understood correctly this part ? If yes, I didn't get how Paraview
>> "knows" a new time step is "done and available for visualisation". Also I
>> am not sure to know how to "launch the Pyhton script".
>> Can somebody help me on this ?
>> Thanks
>> FH
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