[Paraview] VTK access from python

Demian Wassermann demian at bwh.harvard.edu
Sat Jan 26 13:02:04 EST 2013

Dear Paraview Users / Developers,

I have just started using version 3.98 and I must say I like it a lot.

However, on the binary distribution the number of vtk classes accessible through python scripting was greatly reduced with respect to the previous version.

I suspect that because it is now using the modularized VTK architecture as it says in the release notes:

“VTK was restructured to use a modularized approach for building various components, and ParaView's build infrastructure was revamped to make use of this. Users may now build variants of the ParaView library while choosing only modules of interest from VTK. This enables developers to build small, lightweight VTK and ParaView packages ideal for co-processing.”

Is there a way to re-eanable the full python library?

Thanks in advance!
Demian Wassermann, PhD
demian at bwh.harvard.edu
LMI / PNL / SPL Labs
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women's Hospital
1249 Boylston, Boston, MA, USA

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