[Paraview] Parallel Data visualization.

Arjun Yadav y-arjun.az at srigroup.co.jp
Mon Mar 28 00:46:54 EDT 2011

Description of Problem.

We have a CFD solver that runs in parallel mode. Each partition runs a
portion of mesh just like other parallel CFD codes do. We wish to visualize
the data exported from this solver.
Since data sizes are very large, it is not possible for me to assemble the
data to 1 process and export single result file for post processing.
This means each processor can write its own result file. The calculation is
transient, this mean for given Np processors I shall have Np results files
for each time step.

Assume that , I can run paraview on equal number of processors. That means
Np paraviews running, such that each process can load 1 result file for
post processing.


1. What format I shall export so that paraview can load, the way I
described above. I prefer binary format.
2. how to do it. Any hints would be useful.

Note that, I have books (any pointer where to look into them would be
1. The Paraview Guide
2. The visualization toolkit (4th edition).
3. The VTK user's Guide.

Thank you very much.


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