[Paraview] PYTHONPATH paraview modules WindowsXP64bit

j s j.s4403 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 11:52:44 EDT 2011

Which python interpreter are you using?  Is it a 64-bit python interpreter?



On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 2:13 PM,  <faulkne2 at illinois.edu> wrote:
> Paraview folks,
>   I am building an application in Python and I'm hoping to use paraview's python
> scripting abilities to generate plots from the data it produces automatically without
> user intervention. The code must be able to just import paraview modules and use
> them to produce the plots. I am currently using WindowsXP 64 bit but we have plans
> to port to other OS's after this works. I have downloaded and installed the ParaView-
> 3.10.1-Win64-x86.exe from http://www.paraview.org/paraview/resources/software.html
> . However, typing into the regular Python interpereter (or my source) :
> import paraview.simple
> import paraview
> all produce the error
> ImportError: No module named paraview
> I added a windows system environment variable called PYTHONPATH with value
> PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\ParaView 3.10.1\bin;C:\Program Files
> (x86)\ParaView 3.10.1\lib\paraview-3.10
> But it still does not work, still produces the same errors. All the examples I could find
> online are for linux/mac so I'm stuck. I also tried adding to PATH or PYTHON_PATH
> but the problem persists.
> What must I change so my Python codes can import and use paraview modules?
>    Brian Faulkner, University of Illinois
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