[Paraview] Xdmf on master branch

Tim Gallagher tim.gallagher at gatech.edu
Sat Jul 30 01:27:51 EDT 2011


I just built off the master branch (commit 4f0d9672) and I noticed XDMF_WRAP_PYTHON was no longer an option. 

It appears it was set to INTERNAL in commit 7ac1f751, which was due to the conversation in the mailing list (http://markmail.org/message/gapnf4reuazdtfcn), although I'm not sure if it was made INTERNAL and ON prior to trying to release and just turned to OFF at last minute because of the problems.  

Is fixing the CPack issue high on the priority list so the binaries will ship with the XDMF python wrapper? If not, can we revert to the XDMF_WRAP_PYTHON option as advanced and not INTERNAL?



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