[Paraview] pqAutoApplyReaction

papa ndéné NDIAYE pnwireframe at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 11:13:55 EDT 2011

I have built a Toolbar plugin in paraview with a button that applies
extractblock filter to a multiblock dataset
so as to get all the blocks seperately in different objects in the pipeline

I achieve getting the number of blocks from the selected multiblock but I
want to push apply button for each filter that has been created

so got suggested about creating a pqAutoApplyReaction object and setting
auto-apply to true, creating my filters
and setting it back to false.

pqAutoApplyReaction * autoapply=new pqAutoApplyReaction();
gives me an error:
ASSERT: "parentObject != NULL"

pqAutoApplyReaction * autoapply=new pqAutoApplyReaction(a);
where "a" is a QAction* attribute of my GUI class
gives me an error:
libGUIMyToolBar.so: undefined symbol:

do I have to put a specific object in pqAutoApplyReaction constructor?
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