[Paraview] datasets operation

luc scholtes lscholtes63 at gmail.com
Tue May 18 21:22:18 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Given two datasets X0 and X1 of cell/point datasets comming from 2 separated
VTK files, with X1 being, at least, X0 incremented with some new cell/point
data such as: X1 = X0 + Xi

Is there a way to visualize the dataset Xi resulting from the substraction
X1 - X0 with Paraview? I tried several solutions with the Append filters but
without any success. I must precise that I don't want here to visualize the
vector field corresponding to the "displacements" between X0 and X1, but
only the "incremented" dataset.

Hope I am clear enough...

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

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