[Paraview] datasets operation

pat marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Wed May 19 18:55:57 EDT 2010

Hi Luc,

I am not aware of a filter in paraview that does this.  You could write a
python programmable filter that takes two datasets and labels the common
points.  Then use the clip filter to clip away the labeled points (set Clip
Type to scalar.)

...and since the paraview wiki didn't have any programmable filter examples
using multiple inputs, I decided to add this as an example.  Here's the



On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 9:22 PM, luc scholtes <lscholtes63 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Given two datasets X0 and X1 of cell/point datasets comming from 2
> separated VTK files, with X1 being, at least, X0 incremented with some new
> cell/point data such as: X1 = X0 + Xi
> Is there a way to visualize the dataset Xi resulting from the substraction
> X1 - X0 with Paraview? I tried several solutions with the Append filters but
> without any success. I must precise that I don't want here to visualize the
> vector field corresponding to the "displacements" between X0 and X1, but
> only the "incremented" dataset.
> Hope I am clear enough...
> Thanks in advance for any help or advice
>   Luc
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