[Paraview] Problem reading Ensight Gold file with large number of time steps

Hom Nath Gharti hng.email at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 07:52:15 EDT 2010

I saw the code in vtkEnSightReader2.cxx, and noticed that I can use
the multiple lines for time values. That works fine.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Hom Nath Gharti <hng.email at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to read a case file attached, where I have 200 time steps.
> But I get the following error:
> ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\Temp\ParaView3\Servers\Filters\vtkEnSightReader2.cxx,
> line 1152
> vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader2 (08526E00): Error with vtkEnSightReader2:
> 'time values' not found!!!
> When I delete all but first 10 values and modify the number of time
> steps to 10, that works. It seems that there is the limitation in line
> size in the reader. But we need to give all the time values in a same
> line according to the format.
> I would appreciate your suggestions.
> Hom Nath

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