[Paraview] Plugin Organization with Support Library + Exposed Methods in Plugin

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Dec 1 16:05:55 EST 2010

I am having a problem trying to get some of my various plugins to all  
compile at the same time. The issue is that each plugin re-uses some  
of the same code so I thought I would factor all that code out into  
it's own support library. Let's call it "H5Vtk". Now the H5Vtk library  
implements various vtkH5*Reader classes and some some HDF5 wrapper  
functions in it.
   The first time I created a plugin all was fine as I had some server  
manager sources and some plain server sources. All was fine. Then I  
added another plugin into the mix that needs to use some of the  
classes from the H5Vtk either as super classes or as support classes.  
For various reasons I can NOT combine both of these projects (which  
would be the really simple solution). This did not work as I got  
linker errors due to the missing symbols in the second library.
   Back to the H5Vtk library. I had this all setup as a plain old  
library and then tried to add a simple XML based plugin to expose the  
various vtkH5*Readers that I wrote. While everything compiled OK and  
ParaView ran, the new file extensions were never shown in the Open  
File dialog. Which sort of makes sense to me because those source  
files were never "wrapped" in Server-Manager code.

   It is almost like I need to call ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN with a flag  
that says "wrap these sources and ONLY compile the wrapped sources as  
the originals are in a library somewhere".

   If anyone has any ideas that would be absolutely great. I think I  
am just spinning my wheels at this point and not really going anywhere.

Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio

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