[Paraview] Newbie question about Glyph filter

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Wed Dec 1 15:37:22 EST 2010

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks a lot! That works great.
> Just a couple of quick follow-up question:
> - For the 'Scale Mode' with the Glyph filter, what is the difference
> between choosing 'vector' and 'vector_components'. It looks like
> choosing one or the other reverses the arrow direction..

Vector scales the glyph in all three directions by the magnitude of the vector. Vector components scales the glyph shape in each direction by the size of the vector component in that direction. (This is why your glyphs will always look "flat" in this mode, because your vectors don't have any Z-component.)

> - Also, with the Glyph filter, the color of the arrows is determined
> by, let's say, the magnitude of the vector. However, what determines
> the length of the arrows? It looks like it is not necessarily related
> to the magnitude of the vector (see 'electron current' for example)..

(Just so it's clear, the color can be set independent of the scaling attribute.) In Vector mode, the arrows should be scaled by the magnitude of the vector. (Not in vector_component mode, as mentioned above.) I'll attach an image where the arrows are both colored and scaled (and oriented) according to the "electron current" vector. I think this looks right.

Let me know if it still doesn't seem to make sense,

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