[Paraview] paraview XDMF XY Geometry type

john mansour john.mansour at maths.monash.edu.au
Thu Jun 18 06:40:13 EDT 2009

perhaps this is an xdmf issue... in XdmfGeometry.cxx we originally have
the following:

            case XDMF_GEOMETRY_XY :
                    Start[0] = TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements();
                    Start[1] = 3;
                    points->SetShape( 2 , Start );
                    Stride[0] = 1;
                    Stride[0] = 1;
                    Count[0] = TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements();
                    Count[1] = 2;
                    points->SelectHyperSlab( NULL, Stride, Count);
                    CopyArray( TmpArray, points);
                    this->NumberOfPoints =
TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements() / 2 ;

interesting 'Stride[0]=1' appears twice... if i replace the above with

            case XDMF_GEOMETRY_XY :
                    Start[0] = TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements()/2;
                    Start[1] = 3;
                    points->SetShape( 2 , Start );
                    Stride[0] = 1;
                    Stride[1] = 1;
                    Count[0] = TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements()/2;
                    Count[1] = 2;
                    points->SelectHyperSlab( NULL, Stride, Count);
                    CopyArray( TmpArray, points);
                    this->NumberOfPoints =
TmpArray->GetNumberOfElements() / 2 ;

my xmf is loaded (almost) correctly.  the only issue still remaining is
that the Z geometry data is not zeroed, so it takes somewhat arbitrary

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