[Paraview] question: how to add "vtkDICOMImageReader" into Paraview 3.2.2 using plugin

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jun 13 09:16:41 EDT 2008

There's no way currently to tell ParaView to set the directory name on 
the reader (instead of a file or a list of files). I just committed a 
feature to CVS where if the <UseDirectoryName /> hint is present on the 
filename property, the directory name will be used instead of the file name:

         <FileListDomain name="files"/>
           <UseDirectoryName />

Note that now the reader will always get the directory name and never 
the filename. You cannot have two properties one taking a filename and 
another taking a directory. In that case, paraview will only end up 
using one of them.


Haiyong Xu wrote:
> Hi there,
> I tried to extend Paraview to read DICOM images through 
> vtkDICOMImageReader. Following the example in source code 
> "ParaView3.2.2/Examples/Plugins/Reader", I successfully added a DICOM 
> reader into Paraview. The problem is that this reader can only read one 
> file rather than to load all DICOM images from a directory. I guess this 
> is because the GUI XML , i.e., 
> "ParaView3.2.2/Examples/Plugins/Reader/pqReader.xml", can only return a 
> filename. Any hint to make a GUI XML to return a directory name? Thanks.
> --Haiyong
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