[Paraview] Loading data PV2.x versus PV3

Jose Renteria (Cont, ARL/CISD) jrenteria at arl.army.mil
Fri Jan 18 15:32:15 EST 2008

I build ParaView 3.2.1 on my redhat4 64 linux machine and it looks like 
the animation or the way data is loaded is no longer working or has 
changed since Paraview 2.x.

If I load ParaViewData3.2 test data 
"singleSphereAnimation_source93T0000.vtp" with Paraview 2.x the data is 
loaded and when I hit the start animation button Paraview loops through 
each of the vtp files (0-10). 

If I load ParaViewData3.2 test data 
"singleSphereAnimation_source93T0000.vtp" with Paraview 3.2.1 the data 
is loaded and when I hit the start animation button nothing happens. It 
seems like Paraview 3.2.1 does not recognize/link the other vtp files 
(0-10).  Is this expected behavior for Paraview 3.2.1?


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