[Paraview] Python Script that loads/imports VTK files into Paraview

Robert Maynard robertjmaynard at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 05:49:29 EST 2008

Sorry sent you one with a mistake in it, this one should be the correct 

Robert Maynard wrote:
> Yes it is possible to create a script that loads in a list of files or 
> a directory of files. I have included a stripped down version of a 
> script I wrote that does what you ask.
> It supports paths to single files, directories, lists of paths, lists 
> of directories. Directory loading will recurse through sup directories.
> If you want to add more types of file loading (currently only handles 
> .vtk),  add more to the dict  called allowedFiles.
> Olumide wrote:
>> Hello -
>> I'd like to know if its possible to write a Python script that imports a
>> list of files to Paraview. It it is, I'd appreciate any pointers in 
>> writing one.
>> Thanks,
>> - Olumide
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