[Paraview] Python Script that loads/imports VTK files into Paraview

Robert Maynard robertjmaynard at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 05:40:33 EST 2008

Yes it is possible to create a script that loads in a list of files or a 
directory of files. I have included a stripped down version of a script 
I wrote that does what you ask.

It supports paths to single files, directories, lists of paths, lists of 
directories. Directory loading will recurse through sup directories.

If you want to add more types of file loading (currently only handles 
.vtk),  add more to the dict  called allowedFiles.

Olumide wrote:
> Hello -
> I'd like to know if its possible to write a Python script that imports a
> list of files to Paraview. It it is, I'd appreciate any pointers in 
> writing one.
> Thanks,
> - Olumide
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