[Paraview] Problem with updating color map values

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Mon Nov 19 11:03:26 EST 2007



There are no plans to change the behavior.  This issue has been the
source of many disagreements amongst the ParaView developers.  However,
as convenient as it is to have the color map rescale when the time
changes (as well as easy to implement), ultimately it creates animations
that misrepresent how the data changes over time.


Could you describe your use case in more detail?  What exactly do you
mean by "looks better"?  Does the scalar range shift or grow over time?
Both cases will make all the colors map to near the same color for some
or all time steps.  However, when you run the animation in a sequence,
you will see the overall color shift in a way that is highly indicative
of how the scalar changes over time.  If you resize the scale at every
time step, you will surely get more detail per time step, but you will
totally lose the sense of how the variable changes over time (which is
the point of playing over time).  Furthermore, the result could be
highly misleading.  The constantly rescaled colors would show shifts of
the scalar over time that simply do not exist.  They are an artifact of
the rescaling.  Do you have some use case in which these concerns do not





From: Chamakuri Nagaiah [mailto:cham_nag at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 7:58 AM
To: Moreland, Kenneth; paraview at paraview.org
Subject: RE: [Paraview] Problem with updating color map values


Dear Kenneth,
Thank you very much for your response. For certain simulations this
feature is 
more useful. At present I am using some other visualization package,
supports  rescaling the color map values when time step changes
and it looks better for my simulation results. Just I would like to know
whether paraview  developers had some idea to include this option in


"Moreland, Kenneth" <kmorel at sandia.gov> wrote:

ParaView never automatically rescales the color map when the time step
changes.  This is by design as an animation with the color map being
rescaled would lead to extremely misleading visualizations.





From: paraview-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at paraview.org
[mailto:paraview-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at paraview.org] On Behalf Of
Chamakuri Nagaiah
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:08 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] Problem with updating color map values


Dear All,

I have the following problem : I have a bunch of time series data files,
file-001.vtu,...file-010.vtu, and  I wan to make a movie using these
While creating the movie I don't want to fix the color map values in
Scalar bar.
There is a "lock and unlock" button in "Edit color map values". When
button toggled to unlock I should expect that during the each frame the
color map
values should update automatically to the current frame maximum and
values.  But I could not see the change of color map values during the
of movie. Is it possible to do this using paraview-2.6.2 version?

Can anybody help me how to do this?

thank you in advance.


 using the Paraview 2.6.2 verson.



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