[Paraview] Input text

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Fri Mar 23 10:20:39 EST 2007


Gerald Labedz wrote:
 > I THOUGHT I was following the format in the vtk book
 > (brand new, about v 5.0). Seems simple enough, but
 > that, too, crashed. ... it would be great if somebody has
 > a simple n-tuple ASCII file that WORKS that I could
 > examine.

My ParaView tutorial is temporarily unavailable but I've 
attached a page from it where I show a very simple file in 
the VTK legacy format. It plus the document on VTK formats


should get you started. If you create a program that 
converts csv files to a VTK format please consider letting 
us all have a copy!

My example defines only 1-tuple scalars, for points and 
cells. Change the last number on the "SCALARS" lines from 1 
to N for n-tuple scalars. If you have 3-tuple scalars, and 
want it treated a vector, you should probably switch to the 
"VECTORS" keyword. You could leave out either the 
"POINT_DATA" section and/or the "CELL_DATA" section.

I have worked with enough of our users to know that what 
seems obvious to me can be a show stopper. Please ask!

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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