[Paraview] Input text

Gerald Labedz labedz1 at email.mot.com
Fri Mar 23 09:40:06 EST 2007

Kevin and Kent
  Thanks for digging into this. As a new user I thought I was nuts.
  so, it seems to me there needs to be a simple text n-tuple reader. Maybe
the community thinks the legacy vtk file structure is enough. I'm still
working on that . . . But my first try failed. I THOUGHT I was following the
format in the vtk book (brand new, about v 5.0). Seems simple enough, but
that, too, crashed. I could still be making an error, and so will try again
today. (ugh, too much messing around.) it would be great if somebody has a
simple n-tuple ASCII file that WORKS that I could examine.
Gerry Labedz

On 3/22/07 5:06 PM, "Kevin  H. Hobbs" <hobbsk at ohiou.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 16:40 -0400, Kent Eschenberg wrote:
>> I get the same results as Kevin on Fedora Core 5 (Pentium 4)
>> and ParaView 2.6.0. It just crashes after selecting
>> test.csv. It seems to try to use the LS-Dyna reader.
> I didn't say so before but I see the LS-Dyna message too.
>> There doesn't seem to be a csv reader in VTK 5.0.2. I just
>> looked through the online class directory for those with
>> "CSV" or "Reader" in the name.
> I don't think there ever was a special csv reader, I suspect that it
> used the particle reader.

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