[Paraview] Input text

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Thu Mar 22 15:43:05 EST 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 15:22 -0500, Gerald Labedz wrote:

>   I never got as far as comma separated values in ParaView -- that didn't
> show up as an option. I tried some different readers as dumb potshots, but
> all I got was those backtraces and an exit. That's why I was wondering if
> the darwin (unix/Mac OS X) version is different. I know csv is prevalent on
> Windows, but I thought all this stuff was cross-platform.

It is cross platform. I get the same backtrace in linux.

>   Anyway I'm still flabberghasted that a simple text read is causing me this
> much pain. 

There is no such thing as a simple text file. You want a multi column
text file loaded as points. Somebody else will want a text file to
represent an image, another person will want unstructured grids. The
number of possibilities are just mind blowing.

> It sure looks like the legacy .vtk ought to work, 

Only if you convert your data to this format. Try to create a small
pointset in paraview and save it in legacy vtk ascii format and take a
look at the file.

> so why I got a
> backtrace and exit from that I don't know. I could be doing that wrong.
>   thanks for your help.
> Gerry Labedz

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