[Paraview] Paraview 2.6 and Chromium issues

Terry Jordan Terry.Jordan at sa.netl.doe.gov
Wed Mar 21 08:59:17 EST 2007

I have encountered 2 problems when running Paraview 2.6 on Chromium.

1) While running paraview 2.6 on chromium with any conf file (crdemo.conf for example), I open a dataset.  When I hit accept in paraview, a second Chromium rendering window opens over the original chromium rendering window.  This issue shouldnt be with the conf file because I tried it with 2.4.4 and it works as expected.

2) This issue occurs with bothh 2.4.4 and 2.6 but not with 2.2.1.  When running a tilesort conf and choosing cell to point the colors for scalars become incorrect.  That is all "color by" values appear shades of green and black.  and this is only exhibited when running tilesort not locally (such as crdemo), and doesnt happen in 2.2.1.

So I am resigned to running 2.2.1 for the time being.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

I am running SuSE 10.2.


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