[Paraview] Getting started with paraview

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Mon Jun 11 14:43:16 EDT 2007

dpollack at beckman.com wrote:
 > 1. Which version of paraview should I be running?

I believe you must compile PV from source, and link it to the MPI package on 
your system, to run it in parallel. The precompiled binaries are only for 
serial execution. I've had good results with 2.6.1 but haven't tried 3.0. Your 
MPI package will include instructions for linking and running. Use the 
information about linking to set the various parameters used by cmake.

 > 2. What distribution of clients, render servers and data servers should
 > I have? Is there a sequence of commands or order of execution required
 > to get all of the clients and servers connected to one another? Is it
 > the same for both versions?

Start paraview according to the instructions from your MPI package, e.g., 
"mpirun -np 4 pvserver" to run pvserver on 4 processors. I'd suggest getting 
parallel pvserver to work first, with a serial client on your desktop. Then, 
you'll be ready to look into separate render and data servers.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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