[Paraview] Re: Intel Compiler on OSX

Dan White dan at chalkie.org.uk
Thu Sep 7 12:49:56 EDT 2006

Ahhh Yes!
you must remember to source the file containing the environmental  
required by the compilers to find their stuff

read the instructions for the compiler package

should be something like

source /opt/intel/cc/9.1.029/bin/iccvars.sh



On 7 Sep 2006, at 19:34, Mike Jackson wrote:

> So I did the trick described and now I am getting:
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> __intel_fast_memcmp
> __intel_fast_memcpy
> ___libm_sse2_atan
> ___libm_sse2_cos
> ___libm_sse2_log10
> ___libm_sse2_atan2
> ___libm_sse2_sincos
> ___libm_sse2_sin
> I am guessing that I am missing a library path somewhere but Not  
> sure where.
> Google isn't being helpful. I just found some references to  
> libirc.a and
> libimf.a.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Here is my cmake instantiation:
> cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/icc -D
> CXX_COMPILER_OPTIONS:STRING=-cxxlib-icc,-dynamiclib,-L/opt/intel/cc/ 
> 9.1.030/
> lib/,-lirc,-limf,lsvml -D CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON ../ 
> paraview-2.4.4/
> Mike Jackson
> On 9/7/06 12:19 PM, "Dan White" <dan at chalkie.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes that trick works for me also for building VTK wit intel compilers
>> Paul,
>> I had a look at your facilities and see you have a modern SGI IRIX
>> environment, with python and VTK.
>> If you are using CVS version of VTK,
>> and you also have wxPython and ffmpeg...
>> (I only have an ancient indigo2)
>> It might be interesting to test the performance of our python VTK
>> application
>> for 3D rendering of volume data, BioImageXD on a high end SGI.
>> Using VTK multithreading it will use multiple processors for volume
>> rendering,
>> so a modern SGI visualisation machine  might be a good performer....
>> see svn repos at
>> svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bioimagexd/bioimagexd/ 
>> trunk
>> Its written in python, with a few extra VTK C++ classes that need to
>> be compiled into
>> a recent CVS version of VTK
>> Also general install instructions at
>> http://modeling.bio.jyu.fi:8080/bioimagexd/Wiki/GettingStarted#UNIX
>> We are also trying to get it running on a SunOS big iron machine
>> corona.csc.fi
>> We are aiming to support these kind of  big iron systems for
>> visualisation
>> and  processing of very large 3D microscopy time series data sets.
>> Multiple processors and large memory are important for doing this
>> efficiently.
>> I'd be interested to see if BioImageXD will work as is on a high end
>> SGI system
>> with python2.4 wxpython VTK5(CVS) and ffmpeg (it makes movies too)
>> maybe it might be a nice tool for you also... who knows
>> cheers
>> Dan
>> On 7 Sep 2006, at 19:00, paraview-request at paraview.org wrote:
>>> Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 08:31:28 -0500
>>> From: "Paul Adams" <paul.adams.jr at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Intel Compiler on OS X
>>> To: "Mike Jackson" <mike.jackson at imts.us>
>>> Cc: "ParaView at paraview.org" <ParaView at paraview.org>
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <1e472b890609070631h5a521706o808b4505316658ac at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> While I have not built Paraview for OS X, I did have to use an
>>> alternate
>>> compiler
>>> on one of my Linux systems.  Like yours, it would reset the
>>> compiler back to
>>> default.
>>> The way that I got around that was to use something like the
>>> following:
>>> % CC=/path/to/C/Compiler CXX=/path/to/C++/Compiler ccmake ../
>>> paraview-2.4.4
>>> Obviously I removed my path from the above since it would be of no
>>> help to
>>> you.
>>> Just replace the above pseudo path with the appropriate one for you.
>>> Paul Adams
>>> Scientific Visualization Lead
>>> ERDC MSRC - Vicksburg, MS
>>> On 9/7/06, Mike Jackson <mike.jackson at imts.us> wrote:
>>>> So I was lucky and was able to purchase the Intel C++ compiler for
>>>> OS X. I
>>>> am now trying to use it to compile paraview and having a small
>>>> problem.
>>>> When I run ccmake ../paraview  and set the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER then
>>>> hit the
>>>> "c" key to configure the "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER" goes back to /usr/
>>>> bin/c++
>>>> So am I doing something wrong here?
>>>> If I get this going I would like to attempt Paraview 2.9 with QT
>>>> and start
>>>> putting in DART reports against the intel compiler.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> --
>>>> Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
>>>> Innovative Management & Technology Services
>> Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
>> Bioimaging Coordinator
>> Nanoscience Centre and Department of Biological and Environmental
>> Sciences
>> Division of Molecular Recognition
>> Ambiotica C242
>> PO Box 35
>> University of Jyväskylä
>> Jyväskylä
>> FIN 40014
>> Finland
>> +358 14 260 4183 (work)
>> +358 468102840 (mobile)
>> http://www.bioimagexd.org
>> http://www.chalkie.org.uk
>> dan at chalkie.org.uk
>> white at cc.jyu.fi

Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Bioimaging Coordinator
Nanoscience Centre and Department of Biological and Environmental  
Division of Molecular Recognition
Ambiotica C242
PO Box 35
University of Jyväskylä
FIN 40014

+358 14 260 4183 (work)
+358 468102840 (mobile)
dan at chalkie.org.uk
white at cc.jyu.fi

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