[Paraview] New ParaView

Dominik Szczerba domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch
Mon Jun 19 11:29:10 EDT 2006

OK, actually, might not belong to the ML here but I am facing the same
choice (GUI for my VTK visualizations). Therefore I hoped for heavier
criticism to rethink my own findings on Qt and FLTK rather than start a
flame war. I am particularilly interested if any compatibility/stability
issues with fltk influenced your choice of Qt. That Tcl/Tk is "a bit
unconvenient" to compile on various systems I have known for quite a
while now.
regards - Dominik

Andy Cedilnik wrote:
> Hi Dominik,
> I would really not like to start a flame war.
> We do use Fltk for some projects, so we do have some experiences with it.
> Overall my take is that Fltk does not provide nearly as much
> infrastructure as Qt does. An example is the even mechanism of Qt. On
> the other hand Fltk is much lighter and its license is more liberal.
> That said, Qt provides much more documentation and support.
> It is a hard decision to make.
>          Andy
> Dominik Szczerba wrote:
>> Could you please kindly shed some more light on fltk? I assume the look
>> was not the only criticism?
>> Thank you
>> Dominik
>> Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>>> Hello Arash,
>>> We spend some time evaluating various widget sets and so far the most
>>> robust is Qt. Fltk is great, but it looks unusual. wxWidgets looks more
>>> native, but there are stability issues on various platforms, such as Mac
>>> OSX.
>>> As far as accessing Server Manager without GUI, it is actually possible
>>> and not that hard right now. The API is not well documented externally,
>>> but we do offer a ParaView developers course.
>>> Hopefully that helps.
>>>       Andy
>>> Arash Jahangir wrote:
>>>> As I understand it, the next version of ParaView will be Qt based.
>>>> Personally I find the Qt license wanting and I wish Kitware had chosen
>>>> wxWidgets or FLTK, but it is probably too late to ask for this...so I
>>>> cut to the chase:
>>>> Will version 3 of ParaView provide clear separation between UI and the
>>>> functional code so that it is a relatively easy task to write an
>>>> alternate GUI for ParaView?  If so, how can I find documentation on
>>>> linking another GUI to the ParaView engine?

Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich

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