[Paraview] August snapshot of ParaView III

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu Aug 17 14:25:12 EDT 2006

Hi Folks,

I posted the August snapshot of ParaView. You can download it here:

The relevant files are:

http://paraview.org/files/v2.9/paraview-2.9.2-win32-x86.exe (Windows, 32 bit)
http://paraview.org/files/v2.9/paraview-2.9.2-Linux-x86_em64.tar.gz (Linux, 64 bit)
http://paraview.org/files/v2.9/paraview-2.9.2-Linux-x86.tar.gz (Linux, 32 bit)

http://paraview.org/files/v2.9/ParaView2-9-August.tgz (CR)
http://paraview.org/files/v2.9/ParaView2-9-August.zip (CR+LF)

We regularly compile and run Windows, Linux and MacOS X.

Please note that this is a development snapshot and may contain bugs. We have 
removed some of the limitations in this snapshot. It is now possible to access 
some of the features in development including multiple frames, all 
readers/sources/filters, python shell (requires compilation from source).

There is still very little documentation. We will focus on that before the 
actual release.

Next snapshot (September) will have:

1. Mac OS X binary
2. Binaries with python
3. Easier build process
4. Build instructions (hopefully)

and more.


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