[Paraview] Tiled display with paraview 2.2.1

Qinghuai Gao Qinghuai.Gao at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 12 12:55:00 EDT 2005

Amy :

Thanks for the guidiance.  How the client know where are the servers?
Should I define the configuration file?  Or I need to pass more command
line options?  Or since the server head node and the client on the same
machine so they can connect automatically?


> Hi Qinghuai,
> You'll need to run ParaView in client/server mode (or client/data 
> server/render server mode), and pass the -tdx and -tdy options to the 
> client.  You need one server (or render server) node per tile.  For 
> example, the following would work with ParaView built with MPICH (for 
> MPI support) -- 4 server nodes and a 2 x 2 tiled display.
> mpirun -np 4 ./pvserver
> ./pvclient -tdx=2 -tdy=2
> - Amy
> At 04:56 PM 9/9/2005, Qinghuai Gao wrote:
>>I am new to paraview.  Guess this quest is simple:  How to run paraview
>>with a tiled display.  Should I use the serial version or MPI version?
>>I couldn't see the -tdx -tdy options for the executable "paraview".
>>Thanks in advance,
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