[Paraview] Tiling configuration?

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Tue May 24 14:02:33 EDT 2005

If I am not mistaken your tile should be like this:

mpi_node_1   mpi_node_2
mpi_node_3   mpi_node_4

If you change your host configuration according to this, it should
work properly. I don't know that you can configure where each node
goes in the configuration file.


On 5/24/05, Phillip Ezolt <Phillip.Ezolt at hp.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>         I have a 2x2 tile display that I want to tile paraview (v2.0.1)
> across.
> I am running in client/server mode, with 4 servers running in an MPI job
> within a cluster, and a single client running outside the cluster.
> Servers are launched with the following:
> /opt/hpmpi/bin/mpirun -e DISPLAY=:0 -srun -w
> "tigger3,tigger4,tigger5,tigger6" pvserver -rc --client-host=catan -
> tdx=2 -tdy=2
> The client is launched with the following:
> env PV_SEPERATE_RENDER_WINDOW=1 ./pvclient --reverse-connection -tdx=2 -
> tdy=2
> Visualization works fine, but, unfortunately, the tile order is messed
> up. The visualization on each of the tiles looks right, but the
> tiles are in the completely wrong order. (It kinda looks like a messed-
> up sliding-block puzzle. )
> How do I tell paraview the layout of tiles?
> I've seen some reference to a pvx file, but it is not documented (that I
> could find) in the book.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --Phil
> --
> Phillip Ezolt <Phillip.Ezolt at hp.com>
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