[Paraview] vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter

Patrick Brockmann Patrick.Brockmann at cea.fr
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 18:10:26 +0100

Hi all,

Some questions and wishes for someone who really appreciates
the design and the features of paraview application.

* Is there a way to make isofilled countours ?
I use the vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter for this when I compute with 
but it is not available in paraview ?

I read from the "Features" page that
"any VTK <http://www.vtk.org> filter can be added by providing a simple 
XML description"
Is there a documentation for that ?

* I would like to specify different colors for each levels in the scalar 
For now I can only change the first and last colors.
The values of the levels indicated in the scalar bar reflect only 
regular steps.
Can it be changed (in VTK API too) ?

* Last but big issue:

In my community (climate research), there is a large aggrement to use 
the python
language. Many modules exist for many purpose
(numeric processing with Numeric or numarray modules,  input/output and 
computations with
netCDF file with CDMS from the LLNL/PCMDI, ... ).

With the VTK API (wrap in python) - that I am promotting,
all the parts are here to build nice and usefull applications.
Paraview application could be one of them. Unfortunately, it has been based
on the Tcl/Tk toolkit where all the modules mentionned above are missing.

Also could this project be re-oriented on python ?


Best regards

PS: I use paraview-1.2.1 on a Linux-x86 machine

-- Patrick