[Paraview] integration of a variable

Berend van Wachem Berend at tfd.chalmers.se
Fri Dec 17 09:50:11 EST 2004

Dear Charles,

Thanks for this! This does exactly what I want. It can integrate any 
point variable over a cut; by using the array calculator you can easly 
get total mass flow - or any other property I presume.

How is the filter called and used to compute cell face velocity? Does 
that create another array?



> There is an "Integrate attribute" filter that will do this, but it did 
> not make it into the 1.8 release.  It is accessible in the 1.9 
> (nightly/CVS) version.
> I also wrote filters to compute the cell face velocity, and a filter 
> that uses the above two filters to compute surface flow.  I had not 
> thought about density.  You would have to use the array calculator to 
> include that into the calculation.
> If you try these filters, give us some feedback so we know how they work.
> Charles.

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