[Paraview] Raw File Reader

Berk Geveci berklist@nycap.rr.com
08 Nov 2002 08:33:15 -0500

> I would like to load a 2D-image-stack into ParaView. If I just use "open
> data" it does not work. Therefore I am trying to use the "Raw File
> Reader" now. In order to do that I figured I will have to convert the
> TIF images to RAW format. This seems to be difficult since no universal
> definition exsists for the RAW format. Still I was lucky to find out
> that the newest version of "Irfan View" does do batch file conversion
> from TIF to RAW file format. ParaView does seem to load the image-stack
> but still I couldn't make ParaView display it. Also the choices Irfan
> View offers for saving in RAW format (f.ex. RGB vs. BGR)  seem to be
> about different topics than the choices ParaView offers for reading RAW
> format (f. ex. data typ: char, short, etc.). Does anyone have any
> suggestions how this problem may be solved? I would very much appreciate
> any idea you could offer.

Can you describe a little bit what kind of visualization you are after 
and what kind of data you are processing ?
ParaView's support for loading 3D images written in 2D slices and
displaying them is relatively primitive since it was not designed for
visualizing medical data (or any data obtained from 3D scanners etc).