[Paraview] Raw File Reader

Berk Geveci berk.geveci@kitware.com
08 Nov 2002 10:48:32 -0500


> I would like to load a 2D-image-stack into ParaView. If I just use "open
> data" it does not work. Therefore I am trying to use the "Raw File
> Reader" now. In order to do that I figured I will have to convert the
> TIF images to RAW format. This seems to be difficult since no universal
> definition exsists for the RAW format. Still I was lucky to find out
> that the newest version of "Irfan View" does do batch file conversion
> from TIF to RAW file format. ParaView does seem to load the image-stack
> but still I couldn't make ParaView display it. Also the choices Irfan
> View offers for saving in RAW format (f.ex. RGB vs. BGR)  seem to be
> about different topics than the choices ParaView offers for reading RAW
> format (f. ex. data typ: char, short, etc.). Does anyone have any
> suggestions how this problem may be solved? I would very much appreciate
> any idea you could offer.

After fiddling around a little bit with the raw files, I managed to
load it properly into ParaView (heeren_example_rgb_planar.raw).
Here are the settings for the reader:
File Prefix: /home/berk/heeren_example_rgb_planar.raw
File Pattern: %s
Data Type: Unsigned char
Byte Order: Little Endian
Origin: 0 0 0
Spacing: 1 1 1 (you might have to play with spacing, I didn't know the
Extent: 0 511 0 511 0 0
Num. Components: 1

To load a stack of images, you will have to change the file prefix,
file pattern and the last value of the extent.
