[Paraview-developers] PVSM state file reader

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Jun 20 09:52:02 EDT 2016

> The code compiles (all the necessary headers are taken care of) but I get a
> seg fault during run time.

Hard to say why. Debugger is really your friend. If you haven't
already, I'd suggesting doing a debug build of ParaView and seeing
what's going on.

> Is there any place where I can see some examples on that.
pqLoadStateReaction is the example of how to load a state. That's the
code ParaView uses when you click "Load State" from the File menu.

> I am familiar with step 2 by which I can scan the paraview pipeline and get
> the information all object proxies. At this stage I am not able to figure
> out how to link between step 1 and step 2.

Just step through the code in pqLoadStateReaction.

pqLoadStateReaction::loadState() --> pqApplicationCore::loadState()
--> vtkSMSessionProxyManager::LoadXMLState() --> vtkSMStateLoader.


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